Playlist XXXVIII

Publié le par Obscure Effraction



Générique : Psychic TV "Ordeal of Innocence", CD Mouth of the night, Topy 

> Oraison "The Rebellion", CD Au commencement..., Vaws
> Sol Invictus "World", CD The blade, Tursa

> Vestigial "The grey constallation", MCDr AEON, New Sun Recordings
> Propergol "The shroud (ground version)", CD V/A Nous sommes les morts, Apocalyptic Radio

> Tormentum "Lethal ejaculation", CDr Plowshares to bombshells, AgitPop / Steinklang Industries
> Sonar "In circles", CD S/t, Daft records

Atrox "Erwachet All Ihr Schlafenden Transistoren", CD V/A Nous sommes les morts, Apocalyptic Radio

> The Reformed Fraction of Soviet France "The gideon bomb", CD S/t, Klanggalerie

> Black Sun Productions "Chemism", CD Chemism, Old Europa Café
> Black Sun Productions "Veneration xxx", MCDr Dies juvenalis, Anarcocks

> Rise and Fall of a Decade "Yesterday, today and tomorrow", CD S/t, Lively Art

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